Pacific Periodontal and Implant Centre
Periodontal and Implant Assisted Rehabilitation
Vancouver and Richmond
Call: 604-428-DRSY/604-271-GUMS

BC Implant Centre


At the BC Implant Centre, we are extremely excited to announce our new partnerships with several medical device and biologics companies in 2021.

 Implant Continuum Flyer Vancouver 2022.pdf

Stay tuned as we will be announcing new programs and lectures during the fall/Winter of 2021 and into the 2022 season. 

 *Upcoming programs include:

1. Western Society of Periodontology Vegas September 10-12, 2021

     "The Balance of Success and Complications in Oral Implant Rehabiliation"-Dr. Ira P. Sy

     "Expert Speaker Panel-WSP"

2. Vioss Implant Continuum Vancouver, BC October 18, 2201 "A biological approach to regeneration in oral implant rehabilitation”
3. CAP October 28, 2021 Webinar  “A biological approach to managing hard and soft tissue complications”

4. Vancouver Community College-November 8, 2021-"Balancing Success and Complications with Periodontal Implant Therapy"

5. BC Implant Centre- “Managing Complications in Oral Implant Therapy”  Vancouver, BC.  November 15, 2021

6. "The Art of Tissue Movement"  BC Implant Centre December 7, 2021

7. "Management of Complications from Guided Implant Surgery"-March 21, 2022

8. "Balancing Complications and Success in Oral Implant Rehabilitation"-Toronto Implant Academy-April 22, 2022

9. "Integrating Prosthetically Guided Therapy and Tissue Regeneration"-April 28, 2022

10. "Tissue Engineering and Management of Peri-Implant Complications"//"Update on Oral Medicine and Pathology-Dr. Sujay Mehta-May 17, 2022. 

11. "Balancing Success and Complications in Oral Implant Rehabilitation"-June 10, 2022 Full Day Course     Toronto, Ontario

12. "The Importance of the Soft and Hard Tissue Interface around Oral Implant and Periodontal Rehabilitation"-June 16, 2022

13. "Balancing Complications and Success in Oral Implant Rehabilitation"-Beverly HIlls, California   June 17, 2022

14. "Guided Tissue Rejuvenation utilizing a Natural Approach with the S2 Technique"  Vancouver BC  June 23, 2022

15. Vancouver Implant Continuum-Session 1  BC Implant Centre   July 16, 2022


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